Visual Art

Independent Study

Any student may register for an Independent Study course or courses.

A description of each such program must be filed with the Department at the time of registration for the course, but in no case later than the first week of the semester. This description must state the following:

  • the nature and extent of the work to be pursued,
  • the manner of procedure,
  • a detailed schedule for the completion of reports, papers, projects, etc.

Each program must have the signed approval of a Faculty Sponsor who shall be responsible for the scrutiny of the proposal, the evaluation of the work done, and the assignment of a grade. The Faculty Sponsor is not expected to give regular tutorial instruction.

Final Independent Study Proposal (ISP) critiques and grades will be determined by each student's individual faculty sponsor. This calendar indicates the dates for group critiques. Please contact your faculty sponsor to make sure you are invited with a Google Calendar invitation to the critiques.

ISP Form