Visual Art

About Visual Art at Brown

Students in the Department of Visual Art at Brown enjoy well-equipped facilities, a knowledgeable faculty and dedicated staff.

When asked what they like the best about the department, concentrators mention instructors, facilities and equipment, but at the top of their list is what they express as "freedom." By this, they mean not only 24-hour building access, but opportunities to do interdisciplinary projects and the openness of assignments.

Brown does not promote a particular "style." Instead, we encourage and aid students in learning whatever makes effective and challenging work. Assignments are often accompanied by readings selected to generate thought and discussion. Class critique is not done in the classic master/pupil style; instead, students are encouraged to critique themselves and each other.

We also hear from Visual Art alumni about the myriad ways in which lessons from our courses translate into a vast array of other creative enterprises. Our alumni fondly remember the many studio hours they spent in the List Art Building and note their development of critical thinking skills, technical proficiencies, and appreciation for both contemporary and historical art.

It is what you make of it. You can go as far as you want.

Painting II student

The Department of Visual Art presents students with many opportunities to meet professional artists. Our Visiting Artist Program brings nationally and internationally acclaimed artists to campus to give lectures and critiques. We also have a strong relationship with the Brown Arts Institute (BAI), which supports the goals of each creative art department and program on campus and articulates a common vision for the arts that transcend discipline and encourages collaboration. Made up of faculty from all artistic disciplines at Brown, the Brown Arts Initiative serves as a support system for innovation and provides regular channels for communication among all members of the community.

Students can cross-register for courses at RISD to supplement their education with specialized disciplines not offered at Brown. We participate in exchanges with RISD, and hire RISD graduate students as Teaching Assistants for some of our upper level classes. These efforts continually bolster our connection with RISD.

Contact Us

Mailing Address

Brown University
Box 1861
List Art Building
64 College St
Providence, RI 02912



