Visual Art

Undergraduate Program

The Visual Art concentration at Brown University is directed towards the practice of art. In addition to studio courses, courses in Art History and a Visiting Artist Lecture Series help students to find artistic direction and hone skills in critical thinking.

Along with VISA0100, Visual Art (VA) concentrators are required to complete seven studio classes, and three History of Art and Architecture (HIAA) classes. Many of our students earn credit for studio courses through the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD). VA concentrators also earn credit for classes in other departments at Brown and approved study abroad programs. During the last semester of their senior year, concentrators are required to have an exhibition of recent work in one of three student gallery spaces in the List Art Building. Leading up to this point, concentrators are encouraged to develop a focus — whether that be a particular medium, subject matter, or artistic attitude — so that these exhibitions are conceptually and aesthetically well-developed.

Students must file their concentration declaration by the end of their 5th semester. Once a student's concentration is declared, they are paired with a regular VA faculty member who will be their Concentration Advisor.
Exhibitions are a vibrant aspect of the creative life at Brown University. There are many opportunities for students to submit their work for juried, curated or open calls across campus.

Department Undergraduate Group (DUG) Leaders

The DUG program is sponsored by the Dean of the College. Department Undergraduate Students or DUGs are chosen by Visual Art Concentrators and faculty.

VA DUGs are chosen each year to help students connect with one another, with faculty, and with alumni. VA DUGs participate in concentration fairs, give guided tours of our facilities to prospective students, organize the annual open studio event, and assist with the Annual Juried Student Exhibition.

Visual Art DUG Leaders, 2023-2024

  • Ester Kislin '25
  • Ren Long '26
  • Sam McGrady '26
  • Luca Suarez '26
  • Charlie Usadi '25